Asia:Techstars is ready to tap into India startup ecosystem


Incubator News

Techstars is ready to tap into India startup ecosystem

The famous start-up incubator Techstars is launching in India.

Techstars announced to expand entrepreneurial opportunities in South Asia and stablish Techstars India on August 17, 2017. Techstars has forged a joint venture with ANSR Consulting—a Bengaluru-based start-up—to expand Techstars’ worldwide network in India.

A update startup model for India is coming.

Techstars is also planning to introduce a new startup program in India. The program includes the city model, which is the original Techstars Boulder model, which includes the corporate program, which includes the corporate program, it involves more top-of-the-funnel activities like Startup Week and Startup Weekend. But the detail of the program is about to be released in the coming weeks.

Techstars aims to establish a global startup ecosystem.

Techstars operates worldwide and across the US, including Adelaide, Austin, Berlin, Boston, Boulder, Cape Town, Chicago, Detroit, Minneapolis, New York City, London, Los Angeles, Paris, Seattle, Tel Aviv and Toronto. It has accepted over 1,000 companies globally into its programs.

Launching in India is a marking footstep for Techstars to expand its global startup ecosystem. India’s emergence as the third-largest global startup ecosystem is irreplaceable in less than a decade.


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